



Email: dmliu@scnu.edu.cn


1.     研究方向:



2.     个人简介:


在科研方面,刘冬梅副教授主持了国家自然科学基金项目、广东省联合基金、广东省自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省青年基金项目以及博士后基金等多项研究课题,主要围绕非线性光学自成像、超聚焦、颗粒操控等方面开展工作。在Science Advances,Photonics Research,Optics Letters,Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express等刊物上发表论文20余篇。


3. 主要项目与成果:

(1) 代表性论文

1)  Quansen Wang, Zhiling Zhou, Dongmei Liu(共一), Hua Ding, Min Gu*, Yong Li*. Acoustic topological beam nonreciprocity via the rotational Doppler effect. Science Advances, 8, eabq4451(2022).

2) Zuni Luo, Dongmei Liu*, Jian Qiu, Li Peng, Kaiqing Luo, and Peng Han†. Diffusive dynamics of Brownian nanoparticles in flashing optical field. Optics Communications, 512, 128069 (2022).

3) Jian Chen, Dongmei Liu*, Jian Qiu, Li Peng, Kaiqing Luo, and Peng Han†. Trapping and sorting micro-nano particles in a dynamic optical sieve. IEEE photonics journal (2022).

4) Cheng Wei, Wencong Wang, Dongmei Liu*, Min Gu*, and Xianqiu Wu. High-efficiency and large light-receiving area superconducting nanowire single-photon detector integrated with high-contrast grating. Photonics Research, 9 (11), 2253 (2021). 

5)  Wencong Wang, Dongmei Liu*, Min Gu*, Peng Han, and Min Xiao. Generation of sub-diffracted Bessel beam via diffraction interference in a combined amplitude structure. Optics Express, 29 (2), 597-603 (2021). (本科生为第一作者)

6)   Dongmei Liu, Yong Zhang*, Xiaopeng Hu, Peng Han, Min Gu*, and Min Xiao. Flexible tuning of nonlinear non-diffracting array beams using wavelengths and angles. Optics Letters, 45 (21), 6106-6109 (2020).

7)  Yunzhi Zhu, Huijun Wang, Yihong Zhang, Dongmei Liu*, Weihao Zhong, Zhida Gao, Guoxin Cui, Yanqing Lu, Yong Zhang* and Min Xiao. Generation of an ultra-long sub-diffracted second-harmonic optical needle from a periodically poled LiNbO3 crystal. Applied Physics Letters, 116, 081106 (2020).

8)   Xiaoli Chen, Dongmei Liu*, Daijing Cai, Jian Qiu, Li Peng, Kaiqing Luo, and Peng Han†. Coaxial differential dynamic microscopy for measurement of Brownian motion in weak optical field. Optics Express, 26 (24), 32083-32090 (2018).

9)   Dongmei Liu, Dunzhao Wei, Min Gu, Yong Zhang, Xiaopeng Hu, Min Xiao and Peng Han. Evolution of Nonlinear Raman-Nath Diffraction from near field to far field. Optics Letters, 43 (13), 3168-3171 (2018).

10)   Dongmei Liu, Dunzhao Wei, Yong Zhang, Zhenhua Chen, Rui NiBo Yang, Xiaopeng Hu, Y. Q. Qin, S. N. Zhu, and Min Xiao. Tunable diffraction-free array in nonlinear photonic crystal. Scientific Reports, 7, 40856 (2017).

(2) 主持项目

Ø  国家自然科学基金项目

Ø  广东省联合基金项目

Ø  广东省自然科学基金面上项目

Ø  江苏省青年科学基金项目

Ø  63批中国博士后科学基金面上二等资助项目

Ø  中央高校基本科研项目

Ø  基础研究/南京大学固体微结构物理国家重点实验室开放课题


4. 招生:
